Rumbalara's Defensive Masterclass: Crushing Cobram Despite Key Absences

June 02, 2024 brett Season 1 Episode 16

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Ready to uncover the secrets behind Rumbalara's netball dominance? This episode of Shooting From the Circle holds nothing back as we dissect every thrilling moment from Rumbalara Football Club's showdown against Cobram. With Rumbalara coming off a bye week and Cobram making lineup adjustments, the game was set up to be a nail-biter. Despite missing key players like Medica and Emily, Rumbalara didn't miss a beat, thanks to standout performances from Kai, Jessie Barnes, and Soph Ackerson. We promise you'll learn how a 19-4 second quarter rout, orchestrated by the defensive prowess of Tiarna and Jess Bamblett, turned the tide irrevocably in Rumbalara's favor.

But the action doesn't stop there. We break down the crucial second-half strategies and substitutions that kept Rumbalara ahead despite some health and injury setbacks. Discover how a commanding 47-18 lead evolved, and how Cobram's late-game push wasn't enough to overcome the deficit, resulting in a 56-25 victory for Rumbalara. Plus, we touch on unexpected results from other games in the Murray League and the unique scheduling quirks that have everyone talking. This episode is your all-access pass to understanding Rumbalara's undefeated streak and the shifting dynamics of the league. Tune in and get the inside scoop!

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Shooting From the Circle, where we turn around and follow the Rumballara Football Club's A-grade netball side on a quest for a premiership. I'm your host, brett. Thank you for listening to this podcast. This is a Sunday review where we turn around and review the game. What happened yesterday, how it happened, what happened. So let's go right. So straight off the bat, um, we will say that Rumble.

Speaker 1:

I went to Cobham yesterday, um, a little unknown whether, yeah, it was going to be a close game, a blowout. No one really knew Cobham being a relatively new side this year than what they were last year and Rambalara obviously being a new side as well. But yeah, it sort of panned out the way maybe people thought it was going to pan out. I mean, rambalara were undefeated, cobham was sitting sixth on the ladder on 10 points. So they've had two wins and a draw, came very close with Tongala Only lost to Tongala by 14 goals and beat Numerica. So Numerica are a pretty good side. So, yeah, as I said, they come into the game yesterday with a bit of belief. I mean, on the sidelines yesterday watching the game they looked like they had a bit of belief before the game. Their warm-ups were good, but so were Rambalara's. Rambalara didn't have Medica, but it was the first game of Kaibak after about three or four weeks. So Madika still wasn't there. Emily again not there because she's overseas. So they had a young girl from B grade I can't remember what Mariah Her name was Mariah, so she was playing as well. Mariah so, um, so she was playing as well.

Speaker 1:

Um, so first quarter, um, it was relatively trying to find each other, like they were trying to work out what was going on. Um, the way things were happening, um, it was very uh, it was. It was a goal for goal for a while and then all of a sudden, I mean, looking at the score at quarter time, you wouldn't think it was that score. You think it would have been a little bit closer than what it was. But yeah, so Rambalara come out, they shot. I think they shot the first two or three goals. And then Cobram come back and you know sort of asserted authority in that midc goals. And then Cobham come back and you know sort of asserted authority in that midcourt. And then Sarah got on top.

Speaker 1:

Larnie was great in wing defence and you had Mariah in wing attack. So being a young B grader. You know, first game of A grade she did well, she just wasn't finding her spaces all that well. And then obviously you've got Jessie Barnes and Soph in that shooting circle that was just on song Tiana and Jess Bam sorry for the cough and Jess Bam were in that defensive circle doing well.

Speaker 1:

So the first quarter was more about finding themselves both sides. So Rumbelara trying to work out yeah, they'd just come off a bye, a little bit rusty, and then having that wing attack, that new wing attack, and not really training with the side. So it was a bit different for Rumballara. You could say With Cobham they were finding their way up against, obviously, a side that's undefeated and they really wanted to do well against Rumballara. So that first quarter for me it seemed even, but the scoreboard didn't say that. So end of the first quarter 14-7 Rambalara's way. So I already already had a seven goal lead um. But as I said it was, it was close, closer than what I thought it was um.

Speaker 1:

Second quarter this has been they talk about the um premiership quarters and I know, against Moama Rambalara their third quarter was just absolutely sensational. But I've noticed a pattern with Rambalara is that they'll. It's their second quarters that they'll come out and they put the score on the board real quick and it's in a flurry and like they sort of blow the opposition out of the water and that's what happened. I mean they shot 19 goals to four in that second quarter. Now, yeah, you can say yeah, but Cobham mediocre side Well, they've got some talent in that Cobham side. But yeah, wambula had just come out and I think Mariah come off and Kai come on and it's probably that second quarter. Kai just started to find her feet and her feed into Jesse Bamblett and Soph Ackerson was good. Soph was a little bit off. There was just a couple of things that she was. Maybe it was a lack of confidence, I don't know, but she was a little bit off. So Jess Barnes yeah, she sort of dominated that second quarter, the defensive end, with Tiana and Jess. They were just unstoppable. As I said, they shot four goals. That's all they shot in that second quarter was Cobham and their shooters started to get a little bit pushy, and I've noticed that a lot in Murray League over the last probably year and a half two years. That once, like especially shooters, if they start getting beaten by defence, they start to get a little bit pushy, little bit physical, um, and whether that's, you know, trying to unravel the defense, I don't know, but it didn't with, um, tiana and jsa, just they were just so strong in that defensive circle.

Speaker 1:

Um, sarah, in that center, she's just, yeah, sarah, she is that center queen, she is that center machine. She just continually goes and goes and goes. She's a very quiet girl, she keeps to herself, but she gets on that netball court and she lives in Melbourne. So there's three of them that live in Melbourne, so it's Tiana, emily and Sarah. Um, but she, but she just gets on that court and she just knows where to go. She knows how to feed into Jessie Barnes, she knows how to feed into Sophie Atkinson, and yesterday was no different. She absolutely just was blowing them away in that centre, absolutely just was blowing them away in that center.

Speaker 1:

Um, and lani, in wing defense, um, she's, lani's a very different person to try and explain how she plays her netball. You, you look at her and no disrespect to lani, but you look at her and you think, oh yeah, she looks lazy. But then all of a sudden, she's there. She's there and she's getting a tap or she's getting that intercept, and there was a couple of times in that second quarter yesterday that she got the intercept and she was just there. She knew what she was doing. She knew how to cut off that wing attack. She also was knowing how to cut off their center as well. So when Sarah was getting left a bit behind or off position, lani was picking it up, and then Chana and Jess were getting intercepts as well.

Speaker 1:

So that second quarter they yeah, rambalara put the foot down and asserted themselves pretty much and you do if you're a quality side like that and Coburn couldn't. They couldn't stem the flow, they couldn't. Yeah, momentum's a big thing and they couldn't stop that momentum. So, yeah, rumble are that they, as I said, they had Kai back on and her feed her, just her, her now, her vision. Yeah, there was a couple of times where she probably should have faked. So instead of passing straight, she should have faked. But nine times out of ten, where she looks is where she's going to throw it and if you're open, she's going to throw it to you nine times out of ten, and that's a great asset to have, especially in that midcourt.

Speaker 1:

So half-time it was 33-11. So Rambalara shot 19 goals to four. So you're looking at a 22-goal lead straight up half-time. So it was pretty comfortable for Rambalara. So, tony, I mean Koi, yeah, well, koi, she was dominating that mid-court in that second quarter. She was dominating that wing attack position and Cobham just had no, they had nothing. So, coming into halftime, rambla, as I said, 22 goals up on Cobham, cobham just yeah, they looked slow, they didn't look like they were the first quarter, but sides of the good will come out and try and rectify that. So that third quarter they came out and, as I said, soph was a little bit off in her goals, but she was still contributing. There was a couple of times where she shot magnificently and then a couple of times where they missed and it was the rebounding efforts from Tiana Steele and Jess Bandlin in that defensive circle that really really set it up for them. Really, yeah, they weren't giving Cobham second chances in their shots.

Speaker 1:

Then, unfortunately and I've said it before, we need umpiring in our game, but we need consistency. Unfortunately, umpiring in the third quarter started. Her Tiana was warned once and was told that she needs to back out of a contest. She wasn't late, it was a contesting ball. You don't just stand there. If you turn around and stood there and didn't contest that ball, your coach would be going off at you and this umpire had the nerve to turn around and say to her hey, you need to pull out of the contest.

Speaker 1:

Straight after that, probably it would have been five, ten minutes later the goalkeeper came out and I think it was on Kai. She, yeah, pretty much slammed into Kai and not Kai. Kai only got whiplash and there was nothing said. And I know Shana Steele was a little bit on the sideline and down the defensive end and she turned around and she said oh yeah, we're going to tell her to not play. So, yeah, she saw that. And then she was blowing, like yeah, she was blowing the whistles against rumble. I don't know, you know, I don't understand what umpires think you. Just you umpire the game as you see it, not the way you feel it should be going. So whether she was trying to even things up, I don't know. I don't think any umpire cheats, but they just make subtle things that you just start to look and go well, that's a bit sus. And then she sort of warned Kai as well to pull out of a contest.

Speaker 1:

And if you're protecting young girls that are playing A grade. Maybe they shouldn't be playing A grade. That's all I'm going to say. Is maybe they shouldn't be playing A grade. You know, yeah, it's, it's, it's a grown woman sport. Um, you know, you can't stand heat. Get out of the kitchen, I say.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, so that third quarter was a little bit, um, it was. It was a different game. It was a bit scrappy. It started to get a bit scrappy on both ends. Crob, it was a bit scrappy. It started to get a bit scrappy on both ends. Cobham were getting a bit scrappy. Rambalara were getting a bit scrappy. They were just throwing things away, forcing it into their shooting circle, forcing throws that probably shouldn't have been forced. There was a lot of balls going out of bounds. A lot of times girls weren't ready. So Rumble R were trying to play a fast game and the girl that they were passing it to wasn't ready or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, that third quarter, it really yeah, it was just a different. It was a different game to the first and second quarter. Yeah, it was becoming scrappy, there was a lot of whistle, um, and yeah, it was just missed opportunities on both sides, not just on rumble eyes, but on both sides. And and rumble are probably they. You know, they'll probably look at it later on down the track, maybe, you know, in training through the week and look at the missed opportunities, because they probably could have oh yeah, they probably could have won by a lot more. I mean they won significantly, but they probably could have won a lot more by bigger margins. Well, they could have, um, implemented things a hell of a lot better than what they did. And same with cobham. But I mean, you know that was cobham, that was cobham, you know the Cobham. They were a middle-of-the-pack team, young girls. They were young. They had some young girls there and some of them were very good and they had a couple of elderly, older heads there as well. But they were a young side. And yeah, I think, coming 14 goals, only losing to Tony by 14 goals the week before or two weeks before, I think, yeah, that's testament to Cobham, the way they played and everything else.

Speaker 1:

And, as I said, tony Rambalara just continued on. As I said, it wasn't a premiership quarter, it was a fundamental mistake quarter. I'll put it down too. It's pretty much that's what you can say. It was just a lot of mistakes on both ends. But three-quarter time it came up and Rambalara had scored 14 goals to Columns 7. So the score was 47-18. 14 goals to Columns 7. So it was the score was 47-18. So it was pretty much. Yeah, you're looking at 29 goals there, or 19 goals actually. So you're looking at 19 goals, or 29 goals, or whatever it is lead at that stage. So the game was pretty much done and dusted.

Speaker 1:

Now last quarter there was a few changes made. So Sarah in center, she has trouble with her feet, so she came off. Tiana Steele went from goal defense into center and Tiana Steele wasn't feeling the best either, so she had a bit of a cold, was feeling a bit run down, so she went to centre. Jessie Barnes went to goal defence with Jess Bamblett, soph and a young girl sorry, but I don't know her name she came on. She plays under 17. So Sophie and her worked that circle and you can tell with the change and it had to be forced changes.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, with Sarah, she has trouble with her feet, so she had to have a break. So I think it was like that for about the first five, maybe first five, six minutes of that quarter. And yeah, cobham were on top, they were stringing goals together. So Prolo was like a goal for them and then three goals to Rambalara and then go back again. But they were starting to string some goals. I think they were scoring three goals on the trot, four goals on the trot. I mean you can't make up the difference, like the game.

Speaker 1:

As I said, the game was pretty much done and dusted, but Romelu will force to make some changes. And then they sort of, yeah, halfway through that quarter Tiana still rotated with Sarah again. So Sarah come back onto the center, then Jess Bandlett come off and Tiana went into goal defense and goalkeeper, I should say, and Jesse Barnes was goal defense and they kept that pretty much for the rest of the game. And yeah, they did okay. But I mean, it's not ideal when you've got to change because you'd like to get percentage, you'd like to put teams away, you know, but unfortunately it is what it is. They had to do that and yeah, it sort of played around the side a bit.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, once and I don't think Rumbelara have played with all their squad just yet, so they haven't played with well, let's just put it this way, they haven't played with Jesseesse bambert chana steel, um sarah emily, medica koi lani, soph and um, jesse barnes. I haven't played that whole 10 girls at any of their games yet. Um, for some reason, because Madika was away. She didn't make a decision until midway through, but she was away in America. Now Emily's away. Madika hasn't come back just yet. Kai was off for a couple of weeks. So, yeah, once I get these girls and this Nucleus side back in, yeah, it is going to be a formidable side.

Speaker 1:

So, getting back to the Cobham game very scrappy, the last half, you know umpiring decisions that just I don't know, I don't think they were there. A lot of other people didn't think they were there, but it is what it is. You you've got to deal with this. Um, there's no umpiring association with Murray League. Unfortunately, girls that umpire also play in the side, so you really can't swap them out and say, well, you know, go here, go there, because unfortunately they're playing netball as well, or fortunately they're playing netball. Um, so that's going to be a, that's always going to be a contentious issue. But yeah, as I said.

Speaker 1:

So the last quarter and you can tell things were changed so you could tell, jesse Barnes was down the back end because Rumble only shot seven goals, cobram shot nine. So the final score was 56-25. So it was a 21 goal win. Oh sorry, a 31 goal win by Rambalara. It could have been more. Probably should have been more, but I mean it is what it is. That's the way it is with the ladder, the way it is now. So Rumbelara sitting first. Um cobham now moved down to eighth. So cobham, we're gonna find a little bit hard to try and get into the top six. Um rumbelara, as I said, still undefeated.

Speaker 1:

Um one of the biggest things that came out of yesterday's netball as well, with Finlay beating Tongala. I'm not sure what happened there. I haven't heard anything. All I've seen was the score. I'm not sure whether Millie Brock and Grace Hammond were playing, but I know Lily Sharp who used to play for Moela. I think she played yesterday. I know she lives in Queensland and, yeah, I mean they've picked up some good quality players, finlay. So yeah, maybe Tongala just had an off day, but that's two losses now that Tony have had. So yeah, I think Rambalara two games ahead. Next week.

Speaker 1:

Rambalow goes to New America again, which I don't understand. I really I'm baffled on the way the draw works for the Murray League. So they played New America first round. Good Friday. They're playing New America again next week, but they haven't played Boruga, they haven't played Finlay, they haven't played Nathalia, they haven't played Finlay, they haven't played Nathalia. So I don't get it. I don't get. You know why not play everybody once and then the way the draw was done yeah, you're not going to play every side again, but play everyone once and then mix it up or go back to your, you know repeat it again. So after they've played Beruga, finlay and Nathalia, rambalara then should play Numerica and whoever they played second, which was Moama, and so on and so on.

Speaker 1:

But it's not like that, and you know, you look at Rambalara's back half or you know back end games. You know they've got a really tough run. They've got Moama second last and Tonga last, so they've got two hard games which ideally you'd want, I guess You'd probably save. But for finals you don't really want to be. I find sometimes if you turn around and you play a low side and you beat them by 50, 60 goals or whatever, it hasn't got you match ready for finals, because finals, we all know, finals is a totally different ball game.

Speaker 1:

So having maybe it probably is going to work out well for rumble that they play moema and tony last, you know, second last and last game, um, but with the draw, I don't know how that works. You know, play each other once and then go ahead and play whoever after that, but make sure you play each other once, um. But yeah, as I said, they go to new america next week. I have to go back to new america, um, because the the courts and that aren't ready yet at rumbelara. Um, can't wait till they are because, you know, these girls have done a lot of driving, a lot of traveling, have not played a home game yet at rumbelara this year because of the works that are being done. So I think it'll be, it think it'll be a good day and a good night when they do get to play at home. So, as I said, they play in New Merca next week. New Merca pushed them the first round and New Merca have improved. They have got some good players, so it'll be another interesting game next week.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure who Cobham play, cobham play Moama. So you know, unfortunately they've played Rumbelow and then they've got to come up against Moama, so they'll probably struggle against Moama. So there'll probably be another 20, 30 goal beating. Hopefully, though, the way it's been looking with Cobham, they've sort of been up and down all year beating. Hopefully, though, the way it's been looking with Cobham, they've sort of been up and down all year, so hopefully, I mean, you've just got to look at we'll look at Cobham's games. This is how I suppose they need to get consistency in their gameplay.

Speaker 1:

Cobham so you know, round one, they played Beruga and beat Beruga by 13 goals. Round two, they played Finlay and they got beaten by 13 goals. Round two, they played Finland and they got beaten by 29 goals. You know round three they played Echiki United and they drew. Round four, they played Kandatna and got beaten by 30 goals. So they're up there and then they're down.

Speaker 1:

You know round five they played in America and they beat in America by four goals. Then they played Denny and got beaten by 35. And then they played Tony and they got beaten by 14. So you get 35 goal beating off a team that got knocked out of finals last year. You know straight sets and haven't got the talent that they had when they won their two premierships in Denny. So you get done by 35 goals by them, but then the following week you come up against Tongala, who are the reigning premiers and you only lose by 14.

Speaker 1:

So it's, you know it's very up and down for Cobham. They need to sort of and that probably comes down to being a young side they need to get that consistency and play consistent netball every week, which is what Rambalara have been doing. So Rambalara, they're sort of in that 20 to 30, a little bit more wins on goal. So, you know, except for Moema, which was second game, where they only won by eight, since then they've piled on the goals and they're winning by a good margin. So that's a consistency and that comes down to experience. And Cobham, you know, hopefully they keep that nucleus of goals over one or two years. That'll come to them.

Speaker 1:

But, as I said, yeah, they play Moama next week. It's going to be a hard ask for them. After yesterday They've just got to keep their chins up. Rambalara playing New America yeah, it'll be an interesting game. Whether Medica comes back, I don't know Whether they're going to have all their players. I know Emily's probably got one more week. I think she's back for the Beruga game. So the next two weeks for Rambalara are going to be interesting. So they play in America and then they go to Nathalia and then they play Beruga and then I think they've got a bye. So they've just got to plug these next two games in, win. Those come up against Baruga and I think they'll have all their team back, which would be great for finals that run down to finals.

Speaker 1:

And can they stay undefeated? Do I think Rumble are going to stay undefeated? I don't know. They're targeted now. They've got a big target on them every week. They have because teams are going to want to beat them. I know Moema want to beat them and I know Tony.

Speaker 1:

As I said, they lost yesterday against Finlay. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I know they want to have redemption. So it's going to be interesting and anything can happen. As I said, with Finlay beating Tony, they've got Chelsea McDonald in that shooting circle, which she won a best and fairest for the Swans last year. So anything can happen. So, yeah, new America, come out next week and beat Rumbelar. Rumbelar could just have an absolute dog day and not play good netball. So you going to be on, you're going to be on song every week.

Speaker 1:

Um, as I said, last two games for rumballara. I mean, if they can get over those and they, they could probably go undefeated. The biggest thing you don't want is to go undefeated and then get knocked out of finals in straight sets. So you've got to keep a lid on it. You've got to keep your head. I think they've got the girls that can do it. I'm pretty sure they've got the girls that can do it. Jesse Barnes is pretty level-headed and they're hungry. They're hungry for a premiership. Whether they stay as a Nucleus next year, as the same side, I don't know, but this year they're hungry for a premiership. So anyway, that is me, brett. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

That is Sunday review. I will come up on Tuesday and do Tuesday's preview of next week's game, which is against Numerica. As I said in Numerica Can't wait to have Rambalara back at home. Thank you again for listening. I really appreciate it and, as I said, this is just my thoughts, my thoughts, only my podcast that I just wanted to do just to cover these girls, because a lot of things get covered over football or anything else. And yeah, these girls, let me say that they're a good bunch of, they're a fantastic bunch of girls, a whole lot of them, and they've got some damn good talent. And yeah, and they've got some damn good talent, by the looks of it at the moment, halfway through the year, it looks like they could go all the way, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Anyway, that is me, brett. Thank you again for listening to Shooting from the Circle, a podcast all about the A-grade netball side at Rumbelara. Thank you again.

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