Tongala vs Rumbalara: A Netball Rivalry Heats Up Ahead of Mother's Day Celebrations

May 11, 2024 brett Season 1 Episode 11
Tongala vs Rumbalara: A Netball Rivalry Heats Up Ahead of Mother's Day Celebrations
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Tongala vs Rumbalara: A Netball Rivalry Heats Up Ahead of Mother's Day Celebrations
May 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11

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Experience the intensity of a netball rivalry that's capturing hearts and dominating conversations as we recount the high-stakes faceoff between Tongala and Rumbalara. Feel the pulse of the game as we spotlight the agility of Tongala's Millie Brock and the defensive prowess of Rumbelara's Tiana Steel. This isn't just any match; it's a potential sneak peek at the grand final that will have you on the edge of your seat, analyzing strategies and marveling at the athletic brilliance on display. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the sport, this episode serves up a smorgasbord of netball finesse, complete with insights into key player match-ups and an electric atmosphere you can almost hear crackling through your speakers.

As we gear up for a weekend of celebrations, we're also wrapping you in a warm embrace of appreciation for all the mothers and single parents riding the rollercoaster of parenting. With Mother's Day on the horizon, it's about showering them with the love they shower on us daily. Let this episode be the background score to your Mother's Day preparations, and may the stories from the court inspire you with the same determination and strength that the matriarchs in our lives embody. Join us for a heartfelt tribute to these everyday heroes, and let the uplift of our outro tune carry you into a weekend of gratitude and netball grandeur.

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Experience the intensity of a netball rivalry that's capturing hearts and dominating conversations as we recount the high-stakes faceoff between Tongala and Rumbalara. Feel the pulse of the game as we spotlight the agility of Tongala's Millie Brock and the defensive prowess of Rumbelara's Tiana Steel. This isn't just any match; it's a potential sneak peek at the grand final that will have you on the edge of your seat, analyzing strategies and marveling at the athletic brilliance on display. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the sport, this episode serves up a smorgasbord of netball finesse, complete with insights into key player match-ups and an electric atmosphere you can almost hear crackling through your speakers.

As we gear up for a weekend of celebrations, we're also wrapping you in a warm embrace of appreciation for all the mothers and single parents riding the rollercoaster of parenting. With Mother's Day on the horizon, it's about showering them with the love they shower on us daily. Let this episode be the background score to your Mother's Day preparations, and may the stories from the court inspire you with the same determination and strength that the matriarchs in our lives embody. Join us for a heartfelt tribute to these everyday heroes, and let the uplift of our outro tune carry you into a weekend of gratitude and netball grandeur.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Shooting From the Circle where we follow the Rumballara A-grade netball side in their quest for their journey for 2024. And today, wow, what a cracker. We have got an absolute cracker. Today we are going to review the game on the weekend between two of the titans of the murray league football netball club and that is tongala versus rumble. These two sides are undefeated at the moment. Absolute blistering form. The two of them Absolute blistering form. The two of them. Tongala have got Millie Brock, grace Hammond both play VNL. Rumbelara they've brought in Jessie Barnes. They've got Sarah Emily. You've also got Tiana Steele and Jess Bamlett down in that defensive circle this weekend, on Saturday in Tongala.

Speaker 1:

I said it before about the Moama game and I'm going to say it again this is going to be an absolute cracker. There's no doubting this is going to be an absolute cracker. We have got scoring power on both sides, and I mean scoring power. You've just got to look at the figures. You look at Rumbelara their fours 316. They've scored 316, the highest out of everybody. And the Murray League netball at the moment, tongala not too far behind 281. But then you go into the defensive end. So, against 183 for Rambalara, you've got 157 for Tongala, so you have got a quality defense in Tongala up against a massive quality in the shooting circle for Rumbola. This is going to be an absolute war of titans.

Speaker 1:

These two, as I said, they are the powerhouse, they are undefeated. Both of them are undefeated. Both of them are sitting on five wins apiece. They've had some hard games. Tongala have had some hard games. Rumbelara have had some hard games. Rumbelara was coming off a 30-goal win last week against Denny, so they're on fire. They still haven't got Madika back. She's well, actually, I think she's, she's, actually might be back, so they could have her in that um, in that circle, in that center circle, uh, in that midcourt. They've also got emily, sarah, I think. Kai comes back this week as well. So rumble are probably got a full side um danilic, uh, danilic. When, when they played them, they, they were sort of underdone. Tonga.

Speaker 1:

This week, though, totally different story, totally different story. These two sides are going to have a crack. They will. This, as I said, this will probably be the um. This will be the preview of that murray league netball grand final. I guarantee, unless something really happens or their ladder positions turn to shit or or whatever. This game on saturday will be a review. It'll be what people will expect.

Speaker 1:

Grand final this will be finals netball in the sixth week, I think, sixth or eighth week or whatever it is in Murray League netball, this will be finals netball. This will be pressure. This will be both sides with quality girls playing that just want to win the netball I know Rumble are want to win it. They want to stamp their authority. Yeah, they've got these. As I said, they've got these recruits this year. Jessie Barnes has just been absolutely brilliant in that center circle, sorry, in the shooting circle. You've got Emily and Sarah in that center circle. As I said, you've got the ever-reliable Tiana and Jess Bamber in defense. This game on Saturday in Tongala will be a preview of I honestly think it'll be the preview of the grand final. I don't think there is any other side that could probably get near him, maybe Nathalia, but other than that, like Tongalaala, credit to tongala. They, they are the reigning premiers.

Speaker 1:

Um, as I said, you got millie brock in that goal shooting um circle. You know she, I, I know millie um and she is one of the most genuine, nicest people you could ever meet, until she gets on that netball court and and she just does what she does she just goes out, she'll shoot the netball from anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she's like sitting in early 80% in her shooting. And she's going to come up against Tiana Steele. They've played together in rep size. They've played against each other in rep size. They've played against each other for a little bit, I know when Millie was in GB they played against each other. These two are going to have a humdinger of a battle. They will have a humdinger of a battle these two. They will be on it. They will be on it. Tiana will do everything she can. I mean, it might come down to having to be able to double team Millie, but then that leaves, I think, grace Hammond will play a goal attack. That leaves Grace free and she's versatile, she's quick, she's agile.

Speaker 1:

So that defensive circle for Rumbalara is really, really, really going to have to have, they're going to have to be switched on. But in saying that, though, as I said, they are the top defensive side at the moment, tongala at 157 against. Yeah, they're nearly 20 goals, or 30 goals up on Rambble r in their defensive circle. Um, so they're tom gala's defense. They're going to be up against it. They will be up against sophie and jesse barnes. They will no doubt about they will be up against it. They will be, um, they will. They will have to fight and fight and fight.

Speaker 1:

Because I know jess barnes, she, just she demands that ball, she demands that ball, she demands everything she does in that shooting circle. She demands, she wants that ball fed into her. She will jump for that ball, she and her rebounding. So don't, you know, don't give her a second chance, tonga, they're going to need to win the game. They have to curb that shooting style of jess and um. So don't let jess get rebounds, because she will. She will continually get the rebound until she gets it in. And quality sides should not give other sides two chances, three chances to actually have a shot. It should be, you should be boxed out, you should be getting that rebound. But jesse barns, she's that strong. You've got soph there, who's more of a technical player. She, she plays a role, does what she has to do, um, and then that mid midcourt.

Speaker 1:

I don't not too sure about tongala's midcourt. I know they've got some quality midc, but they're coming up against probably two. Well, after last week, after what I've seen with Emily and Sarah last week. They, absolutely they were just on song, they just knew what to do. They knew how to do it. Yeah, they were on song in that midcourt and their drive, their drive through the court, drive through the middle, their 45s spreading on that shooting circle, going pocket, pocket, mate and center as well. So this is going to be, as I said. This will be an absolute cracking game Two heavyweights of the competition at the moment, two undefeated sides that are going to go at it.

Speaker 1:

As I said, if you want to see quality netball, you want to see finals netball midway through the 2024 season, go to Tongala on Saturday at 1.30, because these two sides are going to go at it, they will go at it, they will. Yeah, look, I don't. I honestly don't think it's going to be a big margin in the score. Yeah, I said that about Moama and I said that about Denny. I really think it's going to be tight, no-transcript margin. I think I honestly think it'll be very tight. Um and and and again.

Speaker 1:

As I've said all the way through this podcast, it is all about capitalizing on fundamentals, but also capitalizing on turnovers. You know turnovers are going to be very, very rare on saturday. You've got skill-based players, turnovers are going to be very rare and and when they come, it'll be because of nerves, it'll be because of a perceived pressure from the other side or whether the umpires call hell ball early. And that's the way it's going to go. You've got that pressure and you should. I've got to get the ball, I've got to release the ball. So there probably will be some turnovers and it will be because of perceived pressure and just trying to move that ball forward, because I think both defensive ends are on song and probably these stats here probably don't reflect the true way on how it's actually been with Rambalara and Tongala. So it is going to be a cracking game. It's going to be a game that, yeah, they will be, they will know that they've played a game of netball and, as I said, this is a preview.

Speaker 1:

I honestly think of um and whoever wins this, yeah, they've got bragging rights. I think whoever wins, you would probably turn around and, as I said, I've seen Nathalia play in Yumerka and I've seen Rumble R against Moama. Yeah, they're probably your four sides and I honestly think whoever wins this on Saturday would have to go, unless they have massive injuries and God forbid touch wood. None of them do. But whoever wins on Saturday would have to turn around and be Premiership favourites. They'd have to be Murray League Premiership favourites. They would have to. You know the pressure would be on them because you know the size and you've got to look. You know Rumble are called. You know they shot 72 goals, I think it was, or 74 goals against Danny. You know Danny's a two-time premiership team so a lot of sides will be looking at that, going geez their shooting power.

Speaker 1:

But you know, as I said, millie Brock, you know one of the greats, one of the great people of the Murray League netball, just an all-round nice girl and and all, yeah, she, she knows how to shoot, she's um and she's playing vnl now. So, excuse me, playing vnl now. So she knows, um, how to, how to do things to the highest level, um. So she, yeah, it's going to be. You are going to have um to oh, in football analogy, you're going to have two full forwards just going at it. You're going to have jesse barnes, the rumbler, millie brock, um from tongala, and yeah, it's, it's going to be an entertaining game. So that is my preview of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to say who wins because I have no idea. I really do not have no clue at the moment who will win. You know, my heart says Rambalara, my head says Tongala, tongala. As I said, defending champions, they've got some great players, they've been playing great netball, but get down to Tongala Saturday 1.30. If you want to see some of the best netball around in Murray League, head down there Saturday 1.30. I'll be there. I'll do the review of the game on Sunday's podcast and hopefully I might get some interviews, uh, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, this is no doubt, no, no word of a lie. This will be the biggest game all year in murray league and you know, it'll, it'll. People will be interested, people will be watching, people be interested, they'll be like, want to know how the game went, what what's people's feels on it. Um, but yeah, this is yeah, and it's probably a lot of clubs out there that are wishing that it was played on a sunday so they could go watch, because I honestly think a lot more people would come out if they weren't playing their own netball game. A lot more people would come out and really, really come and watch this game because it's going to be quality. It's going to be quality. I hope it's not a blowout. Um, I hope there's no injuries. I hope it's a fair game. I hope it's a consistent game by the umpires, because it takes away from the joy of watching two, two great sides go at it on Saturday with their skill base. So that is me, brett. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

As I said, I'll have a review of the game on Sunday, but you know this is Thursday Two more days to go before I reckon it's the biggest game out there. As I said, whoever wins are going to be premiership favorites and I think this will be a preview to the grand final. In what? Nine, ten weeks time, 11 weeks time? Um, but this is me, brett. Thank you for listening again.

Speaker 1:

Um, and to all the mothers out there, happy mother's day for sunday. Um, I hope you get spoiled rotten, because every single mom deserves to be spoiled rotten. The things that you do, the things you've got to put up with All those single parents out there, whether it be fathers or mothers. Happy Mother's Day as well, because you do a great job, every mom does a great job. So, happy Mother's Day for Sunday. I will have my podcast up on sunday of the review of this game and I really hope I'm excited. It was what I am now on sunday to bring to you what I witnessed on saturday, because this is going to be a cracking game. So I'm out, have a great day, have a great weekend and, again, happy mother's day to all those mothers out there. I'm out Bye. Outro Music.

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