Rumbalara's Courtside Chronicles: A Resounding Victory Over Deniliquin Rams

May 05, 2024 brett Season 1 Episode 10
Rumbalara's Courtside Chronicles: A Resounding Victory Over Deniliquin Rams
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Rumbalara's Courtside Chronicles: A Resounding Victory Over Deniliquin Rams
May 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10

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Experience the pulse-pounding excitement of netball as "Shooting from the Circle" takes you courtside to Rumbalara's spectacular victory over the Deniliquin Rams. Strap in for a detailed recounting of how the game unfolded, where every pass and leap held the potential to tip the scales. I, Brett, will share the enthralling tale of how newcomers Emily, Sarah, and Jessie Barnes brought fresh energy to the team, while Lani, our midcourt maestro, orchestrated plays that had the Rams chasing shadows. Revel in the strategic genius that led to a resounding 30-goal thrashing, a testament to Rumbalara's fiery form and unmatched prowess on the court.

Prepare to be dazzled by our team's tenacity as we dissect the game-changing player rotations and introduce you to the defensive stalwarts like , Tiarna Steel, and Jessie Bamblett, whose steely resolve fortified our backline. You'll get the scoop on the prodigious talents of Emily and Sarah from Melbourne, and the bright prospects of our up-and-coming athletes, Lavelle and Dajara. As we gear up for the high-stakes face-off with Tongala, I'll lay out what this means for the league standings and Rumbalara's chase for glory. Tune in for a behind-the-scenes look at the strategy, triumph, and anticipation that defines "Shooting from the Circle.

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Experience the pulse-pounding excitement of netball as "Shooting from the Circle" takes you courtside to Rumbalara's spectacular victory over the Deniliquin Rams. Strap in for a detailed recounting of how the game unfolded, where every pass and leap held the potential to tip the scales. I, Brett, will share the enthralling tale of how newcomers Emily, Sarah, and Jessie Barnes brought fresh energy to the team, while Lani, our midcourt maestro, orchestrated plays that had the Rams chasing shadows. Revel in the strategic genius that led to a resounding 30-goal thrashing, a testament to Rumbalara's fiery form and unmatched prowess on the court.

Prepare to be dazzled by our team's tenacity as we dissect the game-changing player rotations and introduce you to the defensive stalwarts like , Tiarna Steel, and Jessie Bamblett, whose steely resolve fortified our backline. You'll get the scoop on the prodigious talents of Emily and Sarah from Melbourne, and the bright prospects of our up-and-coming athletes, Lavelle and Dajara. As we gear up for the high-stakes face-off with Tongala, I'll lay out what this means for the league standings and Rumbalara's chase for glory. Tune in for a behind-the-scenes look at the strategy, triumph, and anticipation that defines "Shooting from the Circle.

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Speaker 1:

hey, welcome everybody. I'm your host, brett, and thank you for joining me for another episode of shooting from the circle where we turn around and we follow the rumble, our football netball club's a-grade side, in their quest for premiership in 2024. And yesterday they went down to. Uh well, they went up to the cob highway to deniliquin um to play the denny rams. Now a bit of backstory on the denny rams. They have won two out of three years. They've won two premierships. So they had a back-to-back um. They were undefeated up until finals last year and they got bailed out. So it was sort of not really knowing what was going on with Danny. A bit the same with Danny with Rumballara, because Rumballara's got a brand new side with inclusions of Emily, sarah and Jessie Barnes.

Speaker 1:

So the girls headed down the highway, the Cobb Highway, to Dinaliquin, to face off. This was to either stay undefeated or go 3-1 or 4-1 actually. So game started. It started pretty much what everyone was expecting, the way it was going to start. So it was goal for goal. So centre break for Rumba was a goal for Rumba, same with Denny, and it continued like that. You know, the feeling was maybe, well, the game's going to be, it's going to be close, it's going to be who gets an intercept or who capitalises on the mistakes or whatever. And probably halfway through the game. Now unfortunately I can't look at the live app because Netball Connect is down and I'm not really sure why, so I can't do the score breakdowns quarter by quarter by quarter, but it was probably halfway through the first quarter. The ball came down to Denny's shooting circle and Town of Steel come across, grabbed the intercept, they brought it down. Rumbelaro did in Larnie, emily and Sarah into the shooting circle and Jessie Barnes it was a lob into Jessie Barnes. She was able to get on it and she got the goal. So that pretty much put uh rumba up by one. Um, and then it was obviously rumba's uh center and again go and it's sort of that was that was the uh breaking of the seal, if you will, with uh rumble.

Speaker 1:

Are they then capitalized on a lot of other things? Um, their midcourt lani down in wing defence, absolute blinder of a game. She played probably the best game that I've seen for a long, long time. She was getting hands to the ball. She was beating her wing attack. Now, wing attacks sometimes can be lazy, they don't have to be defensive because they're pretty much there as an offensive wing attack. So Lani was getting getting hands to ball, she was getting taps, it was causing throw-ins, it was sort of helping out that defense and that's what Rambalara wanted. They wanted their mid-court and that to help out defense.

Speaker 1:

Tiana and Jess Bamblett were just rock solid in that defensive circle. A lot of turnovers would come back and just a drive from Emily, sarah and Lani in that center because they were missing Kai again, madika was still overseas. So they had to step up and it was a warmish sort of day and they were just lobbing it into Jesse, barnes or Soph and the defenders for Daniloquin. They had no answer, they couldn't do anything. It got to the point where the goal defense for Daniloquin. She started playing rough, she was pushing, she was using elbows, she got pulled up a couple of times for contact but Rumble R just ran off it. They started to put pressure perceived pressure on the midfielders, on the midcourt.

Speaker 1:

As I said, tiana and Jess. They very quickly worked out Rihanna, maxwell and the other shooter and how they'll play in and I'll pippen them off. They were actually making them or creating them to making them make mistakes. So with the pressure all across the court. Um was making uh, denny make mistakes. Now, a netball court could be really big or it could be really small, and the way Rambalara played they sort of strangled them. They came in, they were pressure over the ball, hands over the ball and Denny had no answers.

Speaker 1:

As I said, in that shooting circle, jessie Barnes she was getting double teamed and so Soph was open or they would then try and go one-on-one. As I said, they were trying to do body-on-body and it just wasn't working. It was just, yeah, they were playing rough, but Jesse Barnes was just taking balls out of the sky and if they missed a shot which they very, very rarely did if they missed a shot, their rebounding, their defensive rebounding or their offensive rebounding was just absolutely brilliant. And, yeah, rumble are a come-a-lather. Look, I think they were about five, maybe six. Actually I think they were nine goals up at quarter time and you're still thinking, okay, well, denny are quality side, they're going to come out, they're going to do it.

Speaker 1:

But the second quarter came and, yeah, it was exactly the same. Denny had no answer. They had no answer for the shooting circle. Like Jessie Barnes was on song, she was on song, soph was on song. That mid-quarter Rambalara was just electric. Emily, sarah Lani and what it did. It really really helped the defensive end of Rambalaras and Jesse Bamblett and Tiana Steele because they pretty much they worked hard. But they didn't have to work really hard because they were making fundamental mistakes, denny, they were just, they were lobbing the ball in.

Speaker 1:

So Tiana would take intercepts and that's her strength, that's what she. So Tiana would take intercepts and that's her strength. That's what she looked for. She looks for those intercepts. She's that floater. Jessie Bamlett I've said it in a couple of podcasts before she's just unbelievable. Her reaction time is like a big cat. She's like a big cat. She will just bang, pounce on that ball and off she goes, and she is so quick She'll grab that ball and her reaction time, from looking at that ball when she's grabbed it to looking up and finding a free player is just like that. It is so quick. So you've got her and then Tiana and pretty much what they did.

Speaker 1:

Tiana playing a goal defensive role. She didn't push too far forward. They were relying on their centers and that to keep on moving forward. The only time that she would push forward is if she found that they were struggling to get the ball off. So they'd pass back to her and reset and their decision making Rambalara's decision-making yesterday, instead of, like a lot of times, they say first option, first option, first option. But there was a first option that wasn't quite right. So they would fake that pass and then go again and what it was, it was the midcourt. Lani, sarah and Emily were working together. So say if Emily went and say if Tiana had the ball and she was going to pass to her, but then realized no, sarah would come through or Larnie would come through and get that second pass. So it was always looking forward and a lot of times it wasn't necessarily that first instant. That wasn't, wasn't necessarily that first instance, it wasn't that first option, first option. Nine times out of ten you go that first option. But there was a lot of times where they went back and they're cutting so they would lead to a spot, but what they would do is their defender was leading so hard or following so hard that they would follow on and they would stop, pivot and re-le really and get the pass.

Speaker 1:

So that second quarter, um rumble are a sort of. I just opened it up, um and it was. It was a, it was a very different um danny's side. They were, as I said, their goal defense was very rough. Uh, their goal keeper, she tried her hard out, like they. They didn't have a winner across the court at all, whereas Rumbelara they had many.

Speaker 1:

You could throw a blanket over the whole side on who was playing well. They were all playing well and the thing I noticed yesterday, they were all playing their role. They knew what they had to do. So, your goalkeeper, your goal defence, your wing defence, your centre, your wing attack, your goal attack, your goal shooter, they all knew what they had to do and they all, you know, it was just quick, quick, quick. And Danny didn't have. No, they had nothing, and it's not good to say that, but they literally had nothing. They couldn't do anything. The defenders, they couldn't. Jesse Barnes and Soch just dominated that shooting circle so well. They dominated it so well. Jesse Barnes, she was just pulling balls out from wherever and, yeah, when they were trying, they're trying to push him out and, as I said, the goal defense, she was playing rough.

Speaker 1:

Now, I don't know whether that was a ploy from denny, I have no idea. I don't know whether they decided that's what they wanted to do, whether they were like, well, we're gonna upset rumba shooters. It didn't work. Jesse barns is as strong as work. Jesse Barnes is as strong as the next person, soph is as strong as the next person. So halftime I think Rumba was up by 17 goals. As I said, I can't tell you exactly how many they shot each quarter because unfortunately the netball connect app is down. The Netball Connect app is down, no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

But Rumba, pretty much the third quarter was like the first and I think that suited Rumba, because I know they exhausted a lot of energy getting to where they were. So I think they were happy with that. Goal for goal they were like, okay, well, they're getting a goal, we're getting a goal, they're not going to. 17 goals up at halftime isn't a lot. When you've got quality sides. I mean it's not ideal. I mean it's not ideal. No way for any side to turn around and be that far in front. Yeah, like you've got to really fight, fight, fight. So I think Rombolara, they were happy to just continually goal for goal.

Speaker 1:

And then again, I think halfway through that third quarter, well, there was an incident where I think it fired up Rumballara. I know it fired up Tiana Steele. So there was an incident where the ball came into the shooting circle of Rumballara and I think the goalkeeper tried to grab the ball. Came into the shooting circle of Rambalara and I think the goalkeeper tried to grab the ball and it went forward and Sarah, who was playing centre for Rambalara, she went to grab the ball and the goal defence pretty much ran straight through her. She shirt-fronted her and knocked her down and being on the side of the court, tiana Steele was going to ball and she pretty much she said, well, is she getting worn? That is shit. So that sort of fired Rumbler up and this girl. And then after that she put Jessie Barnes on the ground by just pushing her and everything else. And I think Denny's seen that, I think the coaching staff on the sidelines seen that because she went off and I think Denny's seen that, I think the coaching staff on the sidelines seen that because she went off and I think it was before she was actually going to get told to get off the court for the whole game. So that's the way she was playing the whole game and it just wasn't a good look.

Speaker 1:

So they had to get another girl. I think she played B grade for three or four quarters for Denny and they put her back on in goal defence and then they sort of yeah, rambalara. Then just went bang again. They just pushed and pushed and they were scoring at Will and Neely they were. You know, jess Barnes was just taking balls wherever they were, soph was Janice Steele and Jessie Bamblett were getting intercepts, larnie was doing a fantastic job in wing defense and Emily and Sarah Emily in center and Sarah in wing attack were just absolutely running the top over them. They were just drive, they drive, they drive. It was just, it was a fun. It was fun to watch if you're a Rumballara supporter, because they just it was just great netball, absolutely fantastic netball. Because they just it was just great netball, absolutely fantastic netball.

Speaker 1:

Three-quarter time come along, and I think it was, I think they were about 21 up and you know everyone knew game over Anyway. So Tiana decided to come off. They made some changes too. So that goal defense, she actually went to to center and the center went into goal attack. So they, they played a little bit and tiana come, tiana come off, um and de jure come on.

Speaker 1:

Who's an under 17 player? So she played in wing defense and then I think um lavelle came back on who's another under 17 won under-17 best and fairest for the league last year. She come into the goal defense and then Tiana come back on and Jesse Bamblett came off. So there was Tiana trying to teach Lavelle and so Denny started getting a score on but, you know, being pretty much 21 goals down, yeah, you're not going to come back. In a game, I mean, that was a, that means it was like a goal every minute or whatever. But they weren't going to come back. So, yeah, so, and their goal attack started to get on top, so they were starting to score freely. Yeah, lavelle, yeah, young girl still. Yeah, lavelle, young girl still learning Tajara, young girl, still learning. So they were sort of getting some score on the board.

Speaker 1:

And then Jess Bamlett come back on and they sort of curved that shooting that Denny was doing. So in that, yeah, rumbelara ran away. They won by 30 goals. I think it was honestly it was 74 to 44, like 74 goals. They just absolutely demolished Denny. If Tiana hadn't have come off and if Jess hadn't have come off and they continued with that same side for the whole game, it would have been well. The scoring for Daniluk would have been lower Like I reckon they wouldn't have. I reckon probably, when Tiana and Jess come off, they probably scored an extra 10, maybe 11 more goals. So you look at it a scoreline, you know it could have been 30-74. Probably scored an extra 10, maybe 11 more goals. So you look at it a scoreline, it could have been 30-74, which is 40 goals, 30 goals to a side that won two premierships in a row just two years ago and played finals last year.

Speaker 1:

They are obviously on a rebuild. Daniloquin are obviously on a rebuild. Rumbelara are obviously on a rebuild. Daniloquin are obviously on a rebuild. Rumbelara are obviously on a rebuild, but Rumbelara is. You know people were talking about Emily and Sarah coming from Melbourne and how good they actually are and they were Yesterday. It's taken probably you know three or four games for them to find their feet because they're from Melbourne.

Speaker 1:

But that connection yesterday that was scary. They connected so well. And then that shooting circle that was just dominant. You know 74 goals. That's two times this year that Rumble R have scored over 70 goals and the first time was first game against New America. Rambalara scored over 70 goals and the first time was first game against New America. They just dominated that shooting circle, jesse Barnes dominates that shooting circle, so that turns around and has Rambalara at five and zip. But what that does is my God. And the game next week is a top-of-the-table game between two undefeated sides, that is, it's going to be monstrous. I said that the Rumble-O-Moama game was going to be a cracker. This game next week against Tongala, it will show where Rambalara is. It'll show where Tony is, because Tony's been winning. They haven't been winning as much as boy is what Rambalara have.

Speaker 1:

But the clinic that Rambalara put on yesterday against a side, as I said, has won two premierships in the last three years and was running undefeated for nearly three years, the clinic that Rumballara put onto them was just unbelievable. It was seriously one of the best games that I've seen. Rumballara as a whole, as a collective unit, one of the best games I've seen them. They absolutely dominated every part of that ground yesterday when their top seven were playing. They dominated from the defensive end, through that center, through to the midcourt, through to the shooters. There was not one passenger, not one player, for Rumbelara yesterday was being carried. Not one. Even when Jorah and even when Lavelle came on, they worked hard to get a result and there's nothing more you can ask for.

Speaker 1:

What I seen yesterday was, you know, I seen them against Moama and it was a second game. They're still finding people out, they're still finding their way out. They're still trying to work out, still trying to tweak things. They're still trying to work out where they can go, how they can do things. But yesterday it worked. It absolutely worked. They were a scary unit and I think if other sides are looking at that scoreline yesterday and seeing that Rambalara scored 74 goals, I think they're going to be scared. I think a lot of other they're going to be scared. I think a lot of other sides are going to be scared. I think, look, in all honesty, I think they were the best. Like I haven't seen any.

Speaker 1:

But if they had played Moema the way they played yesterday, yeah, they would have won boy more than the eight goals that they beat Moema boy. It was a clinical display of top A-grade netball and I will say it that the way they played yesterday and I know they've got ex-GBL players playing for them, and I will say it that they would the way they played yesterday, and I know they've got ex-GVL players playing for them Jesse Barnes, soph Tiana, and then you've got the two girls that play big league at Bandura. They would beat a lot of sides in the GVL the way they played yesterday. The problem is they've got to bring that again next week against Tongala and I'll preview that game later on through the week because there's a lot to go over with that game. I mean, tongala have got winners across the court, rumbelara have got winners across the court, so I'll review that game. But from what I've seen yesterday with the Rumbelara got winners across the court. So I'll review that game.

Speaker 1:

But from what I seen yesterday with the Rumbelara Football Club, that A-grade side, they're on song, they are on song, it's going to be. There's a defensive nightmare for a lot of other sides, with Jesse Barnes and Soph in that circle. The only thing I'm a bit worried about and we all start off with the positives there are a couple of negatives that I'm looking at and it's that defensive circle. Tiana and Jesse Bamlett are absolute on song, but one of them goes down with an injury. They haven't got any other defenders. Jesse barns can come down there, but then and emily goes into a shooting um circle but then you lose a midcourt. You lose that driving midcourt.

Speaker 1:

So it's very, very dicey for rumbler at the moment the way they're playing and the personnel they've got, because I think I'm not sure whether Madika's back this week against Tongala or whether she's got another week off. But when she comes back I think her and Emily will play together and Emily takes off. But I think if they can get over Tongala next week with the personnel they've got, and then Madika comes back and then Sarah goes off, I think that mid-draw they've got some lowly games. So I think they've got Cobram, beruga, moela and possibly Finlay, and then I think they come back to Numerica. But I went and watched Numerica play against Nathalia last week and they were a totally different side to what Rumble R played them in the first round. Numerica were more competitive and then you're going to get that with every single side. I mean the first two, three games of the year. You're still working out your game plans, you're still working out personnel, you're still working out who's who, where we stand, where we go, blah, blah, um. But yeah, yesterday was a clinical display of power from rumbler. Um, they're sitting on the top of the ladder now, even with Tongaela being undefeated as well. So two sides that are undefeated coming up against each other next week. Battle of the Titans, battle of the Titans. It could be and I mean you don't want to be pushing too far forward into the future, but this could be a grand final preview. This game next week could be a grand final preview.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday, unfortunately for Danny, they just couldn't get it. They just couldn't. They couldn't match that power of Rambalara's shooting circle. They could not. Their defensive unit just could not match Jesse Barnes and so their midcourt couldn't match it with Sarah, emily and Lani. They couldn't match that defensive circle with Tiana and Jess Bamblett. They couldn't match that defensive circle with Tiana and Jess Bamblett. It was a complete game yesterday by Rumble R as A grade netball side, but they've got to bring that again. They know they can do it, but they've got to bring it again next week against Tiny.

Speaker 1:

So that is me. Thank you for listening. Have a great day, have a great week. I will put up a preview of the game against tongala, probably wednesday, maybe thursday, get a couple of insights, um, hopefully get some interviews going on. But yeah, stay tuned because it is going to be the match of the year, match of the year, 100% guarantee it. Tongala versus Rambalara at Tongala Recreational Ground next Saturday at 1.30. It is going to be a massive game, absolute cracker game. And yeah, unfortunately, denny, now they're going to struggle. They've got some rebuilding to do, um, but I mean, like any side, you can be on top for so long, but it's hard to stay on top. It's easy to get there than what it is to stay there, um. So, anyway, that is me, brett. Thank you for listening. Have a great week. Um, and I will preview the game next week. It's going to be a cracker. So yesterday, 74 to 44, rumbler is way 30 goals, massive display of power by rumbler. I'm out, catch you later. Bye.

Rumbalara Dominates Denny Rams Netball
Rumbelara Dominates Netball Game